With today’s technological advancements in cosmetic procedures and practices, there are now many ways to make lips enhancements, whether in an invasive or non-invasive way. However, there are different factors to consider in choosing the right procedure to enhance your lips.


Invasive lips enhancement, also known as lips augmentation, is performed by a fully accredited, trained and certified plastic surgeon. This type of procedure often takes a great deal of commitment, as it involves physically altering the anatomy or shape and size of the lips.:

Invasive lips enhancements/procedures performed by doctors and plastic surgeons

  • Fat Grafting - Taking fat cells from a different area of the body and injecting it into the lips.
  • Hyaluronic Acid Gel Injection - Hyaluronic Acid Gel such as Juvederm, Restylane, Teosyal, is injected into the lips as a filler to change the size and shape of the lips.


Because invasive lips enhancement may be a daunting process for some people, due to the fact that it involves physically altering the anatomy of the lips, people may look to non-invasive methods such as lips micropigmentation, that may give desired results, without changing the size and shape of the lips.


Lips Micropigmentation in Singapore, also known as semi-permanent lipstick, is performed by a fully trained and certified paramedical micropigmentation technician/artist. This process is done through the use of a smart device, and a sterile micro-needle, to brush customized lip pigments onto the lips. This type of lips enhancement is done not only to change the color but also to enhance the overall look of the lips. It’s suitable for both women and men if they would like to enhance the appearance of their lips.

  • fuller-looking lips
  • correct asymmetrical lips
  • even lip color
  • neutralized dark lips
  • brighten pale lips

Lips micropigmentation usually takes 2 treatments and lasts about 2 hours per treatment. The color does fade over time, but usually lasts anywhere between 1 - 3 years. You can opt to have a “retouch” treatment after a year to enhance the color.



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